

下一期“中学生”的“来杯下午茶”栏目所作的插图。文章介绍香港作家西西,提及西西的笔名,灵感来自小女孩玩跳房子的图形。本次风格与上期大相径庭,主要采用近来积极尝试的digital collage。

An illustration for an article in the next issue of "Majalah Pelajar"--my comprehension of the Malay language is terribly limited(I can count 1 to 5, 6 onwards not too sure), but gut feeling tells me it should mean "secondary student"; I guess it from the Chinese title, correct me if wrong.

1 comment:

shan said...

Majalah = Magazine

Pelajar = Student

Hence, Majalah Pelajar = Students' Magazine