


I normally need much more time than others to warm up to strangers. I hate limelight and would rather dissolve secretively into some dark corners all by myself. To mingle around over tea reception is never my cup of tea, regardless of how heavy a tea-drinker I am. And due to the fact that I look intensely aloof when I don’t smile (well, I can’t be blame for I’m born that way), many find me unapproachable which I don’t really care in fact. However, once I’m warmed up to someone, that’s when my true colours shine. The publisher and the writer for the new book wanted me to create a guru figure that was more caring and approachable instead. So I just added a stroke to the original drawing to soften the aloofness. I think it works. A simple smile would do the trick; I take that as a truth.


1 comment:

j@c said...

Hi, couldnt help not commenting, but this post seems to be describing who i was/am still, but only due to the nature of my job that I present a different facade...

I like your drawings! and your fluency in both the languages you blog...

Great Stuff!