
goes on


My friends asked had I gotten over with my anger and depression and I answered more or less yes. I would not say I do not harbour anymore negative feelings towards the unfair treatment but I am very sure my mood at this very moment is feeling more hopeful than hateful for I am still going forward after a meaningful purpose and nothing, even without the help of the authority, can dampen my spirit or put a stop to it. I was watching a Taiwan documentary on you-tube which featured the story of a certain young lady who, most unfortunately, suffered from very serious burn covering almost 70% of her body. Though she managed to escape death but for the past 3 years, she had to learn to live with her almost-fatal injury and permanent facial disfigurement, not to mention the collapse of a successful life she took years to build. She pulled through with lots of courage and of course optimism. There are people who dwell on negative thoughts once faced with setbacks, get themselves forever trapped and thus end their lives most likely in bleak sorrows. And there are others who are wise enough to accept reality and with acceptance they free themselves from the viscous cycle of endless suffering. There is no guarantee a smooth sailing in life for anyone, setbacks and reverses of different magnitude sadly to say are unavoidable. We can’t determine our fate but we can definitely alter our attitude towards life. I like the little story that lady related in the documentary. She said once her mother broke a cup and was brooding over such a trivial incident day in and out, so she told her mother: nothing is forever, all things has to come to an end eventually. Why become upset over a broken cup? It is not worth it at all to have one’s mood adversely affected by something so insignificant. In fact, nothing is of any significance so long you are able to let it go. To feel bad initially is natural, but allowing the bad feeling to cling on or worst, drag on for days and months and years would be quite foolish.

Life still goes on no matter what happens, and to be exact, in one definite direction and that is, forward. If we are to put it rather ominously, we are actually dying a little by a little every moment of our life, we age, and we deteriorate, and sooner or later we would reach a point whereby we would have to leave all things behind, be it glories, pride, regrets or agonies. As long as we are alive, we have to look forward; life is not that difficult, it’s just as simple as that.

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Anonymous said...
