

The only warmth you feel

Comes from the


With yourself






I think I'm suffering from Demophobia, or to use an even more bombastic term if that's not scary enough-- Enochiophobia. Well, it definitely means I'm having a certain type of phobia, but what could that be exactly? To put it more simply, I'm having a fear of crowd. I'll feel uneasy and insecure and even suffocating whenever I need to squeeze my way through a huge crowd and a place flooded with strangers just give me terrible headache. I hate crowded place, the ear-piercing noise, the mind-numbing shadows, the unbearable heat of human bodies shuffling and rubbing against one another, I would definitely blank out if don’t find my way out in time. That’s why I dislike new school term, when the whole campus is over-run by energetic students, and the quiet air-con foodcourt which used to be my favourite hangout is brutally turned into a wet market, flooded with saliva and sweat. But what can I do? This is only the very first day of the semester, there’re still 4 more months to go before the next long break.

But it’s not surprising that I’m having crowd phobia. Come to think of it, it’s no wonder that most of my illustrations seldom feature more than a lonesome soul. I think that’s the real me, I’ve subconsciously expressed my yielding in my drawings, or even my words. Seriously, I would rather embrace my own shadow than to be drowned in a sea of strangers.


Anonymous said...

Qin wen nin ke yi xia hua yu ma?
Nin de tu hua womeng heng xi huang.

满天星 said...




KF 阿果 said...

hello Anonymous,

I hope you are not one of my students here in NP for your hanyu pinyin fail :-)

it should be "xie" for写; and no "g" for 我们/很/欢。

I'll definitely continue to blog in Chinese, that's my preferred language; but just that I'm also thinking of brushing up my English. Should we not aim to be truly bilingual?

Christy said...

sama, sama (ok lets do some malay! trilingual boleh?)
next time don't meet in TBP...how about my hangout in sungei buloh? I love that place! :-)

bren said...

感同深受...寂寞是我唯一的温暖. Sometimes, I think i'll wither away in a corner and no one will even notice.

Seekingoals said...
